Alex works with a wide variety of groups, some with song, others with Art and craft, and word. Below are some examples.

A video snippet…How else can we respond to our landscape…I spoke in my Kendal Mountain Festival talk about how we are not separate from the land, it’s bones are our bones, the water flows in our veins, weather breathes through us and, to paraphrase – we come from the earth, and to the earth we return. We cannot possess the land, we cannot possess what already we are. So we connect. And here we are, my good friend Barbara Gilbertson Musician and I, connecting with the land we walk in. We have done this three times now, singing with the cave, enjoying the third voice that the space brings; we sing until we feel part of the cave and our person-ness is gone and all that is left are the voices. (Thank you to Dove Cottage & The Wordsworth Museum for enabling me to start this journey…)
Please scroll down to see further examples of work – Participatory Arts has been with groups such as:
The Alzheimer’s Society
Care Homes
Leonard Cheshire
The Wordsworth Trust
Stroke Survivors
Youth Groups
Tullie House Art Gallery and Museum
Senhouse Roman Museum
Primary and Secondary Schools across Cumbria
Eden Arts
Hadfield Trust
The Studio Morland

Reflection on a theme of archeology and stories buried in the ground.
(turn up your sound – it is very quiet!)